Parish Information and Liturgical Reflection

Our School Prayer

O, St. Andrew, hear us pray.

Sail over the sea to give us faith.

Let us have hope

Let us help one another

O, St. Andrew, hear us pray.

Let us share our kindness

Let us share your miracles

O, let us respect our classmates and teachers

O, St. Andrew hear our prayer,

O, St. Andrew, hear us today.


By Chloe, P6, 2022


Parish Information

Our Parish is St Matthew’s Parish (Rosewell, Bonnyrigg and Gorebridge)

Father Olufemi Michael Akintolu is our Parish Administrator (St. Matthew’s RC Church, 36 Carnethie Street, Rosewell, EH24 9AT, 0131 440 2150). 

Weekend Mass Times are as follows:

Saturday Vigil Mass: 6pm, St. Matthew’s Church, Rosewell

Sunday: 9:30am, St. Margaret’s Church, Gorebridge (this Mass has weekly Children’s Liturgy, as well as a weekly coffee bar after Mass, in the church hall).

Sunday 11:30am: Our Lady of Consolation, Bonnyrigg 

Sunday 2:30pm: Nazareth House, Bonnyrigg

For more info re weekday Masses/Confession please click the link below to find this information on the Parish Website. You can also see info on Parish News and Events on their Facebook page.

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Sacramental Information 2023/24

We have started our Sacramental Preparation in school. Mrs Green, Miss Watson and Mrs Briggs prepare the children for their Sacraments. Please keep an eye on our website, Twitter feed and newsletters for all information regarding Sacramental Preparation and key dates for parents/carers.

Reconciliation – Congratulations to seven of our P3 pupils who made their Sacrament of Reconciliation on Sunday 17th December 2023 at St. Matthew’s RC Church, Rosewell. Please keep them in your prayers as they continue through their faith journey.

First Holy Communion – Congratulations to 3 of our P4 pupils and 1 of our P5 pupils who made their Sacrament of First Holy Communion on Sunday 28th April 2024 at St. Margaret’s RC Church, Gorebridge and Our Lady of Consolation RC Church, Bonnyrigg. Please keep them in your prayers as they continue through their faith journey.

Confirmation – Congratulations to 10 of our P7 pupils pupils who made their Sacrament of Confirmation on Friday 14th June 2024 at St. Matthew’s RC Church, Rosewell.



We will be continuing our promise of being stewards of God’s creation and working towards becoming a Laudato Si’ School. Our goals for this year are: Simple Lifestyle & Fair Economy. Please keep an eye on our website and Twitter/X feed to see what we get up to.



This year ten of our Primary 7 pupils will continue to work towards earning their Pope Francis Faith Award. The Pope Francis Faith Award is designed to help children to show ‘signs of love’ in their daily lives and to be active members of their local church. The Faith Award invites young people to use the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and to see how they can bear fruit in their homes, schools and parishes.

They will receive their Awards during our end of year Prize Giving Assembly.



As part of the parish’s efforts to help us achieve more spirituality, the parish will be having Adoration & Benediction in honour of the Sacred Heart of Jesus every first Friday of the month at 7pm. This will be in rotation in all of their three churches (Gorebridge in August, Rosewell in September, Bonnyrigg in October and so on – PLEASE NOTE THIS WILL NOT TAKE PLACE IN JULY).



Arrangements have been made to continue with Pastoral care to Nazareth House, as before. Therefore, there will be afternoon Mass every Sunday at 2:30pm, a vigil Mass the day before every Holy Day of Obligation at 6:15pm, and Mass at 11am on every First Friday of the month. These and other spiritual programs at the House will be published in the parish bulletin. All welcome.



The next Social Group meeting takes place on Tuesday TBC at Our Lady of Consolation Church Hall in Bonnyrigg at 7pm. All welcome!



Planning for our annual Garden Fete is about to start. Our first meeting will be on Tuesday 25th June 2024 at 7pm, in Our Lady of Consolation Church Hall, Bonnyrigg. This is the biggest event that the parish has and requires many volunteers to ensure its success. ALL WELCOME!


Tickets are now available at the back of each church. Amazing prizes to be won! Please take a bundle to sell to family and friends. £1 per ticket, 10 tickets per book.



The Busy Bees craft group has started on Thursday evenings, 7pm-9pm in St. Margaret’s Hall, Gorebridge. All welcome!



A new Men’s Thursday Club has started in St. Margaret’s RC Church Hall, Gorebridge every Thursday, 2pm-4pm. Cards, dominoes, crafts, hobbies, chat etc. All welcome!



This online retreat is on the Acts of the Apostles and looks at the coming of the Spirit on Jesus’ disciples, the beginnings of the early church, and how we as individuals relate to the Spirit.



The Scottish Laity Network is organising online reflections each Thursday in June from 7pm-8:30pm on Fr. Timothy’s Radcliffe’s meditations at last year’s Synod in Rome. More information can be found here:



The Edinburgh Friars are holding a conference, ‘God’s Mercy and Yours’ on Friday 28th and Saturday 29th June at Assembly Hall, Mound Place, Edinburgh, EH1 2LU. Full details of talks and speakers are at:


Sunday Gospel and Reflection

Sunday 23rd June 2024 – 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B

This is the Gospel according to Mark.

On that day, as evening drew on, Jesus said to his disciples: “Let us cross to the other side.” Leaving the crowd, they took Jesus with them in the boat just as he was. And other boats were with him. A violent squall came up and waves were breaking over the boat, so that it was already filling up. Jesus was in the stern, asleep on a cushion. They woke him and said to him, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” He woke up, rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Quiet! Be still!” The wind ceased and there was great calm. Then he asked them, “Why are you terrified? Do you not yet have faith?” They were filled with great awe and said to one another, “Who then is this whom even wind and sea obey?”


Today, Jesus is teaching us about the need and importance of always having faith in Him and also trusting in Him during good times and bad times. The disciples of Jesus knew exactly who to contact when the storm in the sea became violent. They cried to him saying, “Lord, save us, we are perishing!” This was one of the surest ways the disciples exhibited their faith by putting all their hopes on Jesus. This was even though Jesus said to them, “Oh, you of little faith,” But the reason why Jesus said this to them was that they became terrified and Jesus was right there with them in the boat. When we are in this boat of life and we encounter difficulties, we should not be terrified because Jesus is right here with us. We can smile in the storm. Jesus today tells us to have faith in Him and always seek His help when we are faced with violent storms of life. Jesus is our saviour from turbulent storms in our life. When all things go south, when our hearts get troubled, during sickness, during financial difficulties, our refuge is Jesus Christ. Let us know today that Jesus is our protector and our refuge in times of sorrows and difficulties. He is assuring us that when we seek His help, we will surely get help and the answer we need.

Gospel and reflection taken from:


Our Parish Mission Prayer

Holy Spirit be our guide as we journey towards our Father’s house.

Help us to work together so that our time of mission may enrich our parish of Our Lady’s, St. Matthew’s and St. Margaret’s.

With our friends and neighbours in other churches, help us to bear witness in our community to the love of Jesus Christ so that all people will be drawn to him.
