Class Learning

Please see attached letter and attachments from  Midlothian Council regarding remote learning.

Parents and Carers 200121

MIdlothian Promise for Delivery of Remote Learning.docx

Live Video Sessions_ Advice for Pupils

Live Video Sessions_ Advice for Parents and Carers


Select your child’s class from this menu to access their home learning grid. All pupils have been issued with a home learning jotter to complete tasks in.









Complex Needs Provision

Sacramental Preparation

Useful Websites

Further Guidance For Parents In Regards to School Closure:

Your child will be learning from your response to the current situation. Seeing you staying calm and resilient will be crucial to helping them cope with the circumstances.

It is very important to maintain structure and routine for your child whilst schools are closed. The following 10 tips may help you to maintain your child’s health and well-being.

  • Set times for getting up and going to bed for your child.
  • Have regular times for meals.
  • Build in time for fresh air and exercise as far as this is possible.
  • Structure your child’s day so that they have a variety of activities and break times.
  • Create a menu of activities that your child can do during the day.
  • Make a daily plan of activities and share these with your child the night before so that you and your child know what is happening the next day.
  • Review the day’s activities and talk about what they have done. A sense of accomplishment is important for children and young people.
  • Make Monday to Friday different from the weekend by structuring the activities along the same timings as a normal school day.
  • Decide when and for how long your child will have access to electronic devices and for what purpose.
  • Maintain contact with friends and family through technology.

Remember that your child will be learning from your response to handling this situation. Seeing you staying calm and resilient will be crucial to helping them cope with the circumstances.

Book Delivery Service for Children Learning from Home

To help families who have children currently learning from home, Midlothian Libraries have partnered with the Midlothian Fire Service to offer a book delivery service of non-fiction and fiction reading materials. To access the service, customers need to be a Midlothian library member and live within the local authority. You can become a new member by registering online.

A description of how the service works as well as the types of books available can be viewed below.

Book Deliveries for Children Learning from Home