
September 2023

P7 Class Newsletter Term 1 2023-24



Primary 7 January Home Learning Wall 2022

P7 Home learning 2022

Primary 7 September Home Learning Wall 2021

P7 Learning-across-the-curriculum

P7 Literacy numeracy



P7 Transition (St David’s School of Football)

Please find below guidance about how to apply for the School of Football at St David’s High School. If you would like to register interest for the School of Football please send the following information about your child to: b.Maxwell@mgfl.net by Friday 29 May

Primary SOF Booklet (2)

Child’s name, Date of birth, Address, Ethnicity, Contact number & Name of primary


Week 2- Numeracy Setting (Update)

For pupils in my numeracy set, please visit www.educationcity.com and view your classwork. You will find a learning tool explaining mixed and improper fractions. You may also find the following video helpful:

Once you have watched the videos, try the sheet attached below in your home learning jotter.

Numeracy Fractions Mixed & Improper

Suggested Timetable

I have attached below a suggested timetable for home learning. Edit it to suit your own learning needs. It will hopefully help provide a structure to your day.

P7 Suggested Timetable

Learning Grids 23rd March-3rd April

Click on the links below to load P7’s Home Learning Grids:

Literacy, Numeracy & Maths

Learning Across The Curriculum


Parents, please follow our school twitter feed,share your learning with us and stay up to date with new learning materials being posted! @StAndrewsTweets @QuinJoanne

We are still awaiting everyone’s passwords for GLOW. Communication will be easier once we have this up and running 🙂

Additional Numeracy Challenges

Additionally, here are some fabulous learning activities to help you use your knowledge of Maths in a real life context. Choose mild, hot or spicy for level of difficulty.

Nandos Maths Challenge

Pizza Hut Maths Challenge copy


Sumdog Maths & Reading Challenges (24.03.20)

I have set up 2 challenges on Sumdog this morning (24/03/20) for reading and maths. They will be live for the next week and will enable you to revise your skills and earn coins. Have Fun! 🙂


Use your username and password which you will find in your home learning jotter to access this.


PE With Joe Wicks

Check out Joe Wicks every morning for a PE lesson!

Play Pack:
