
September 2023

P3 Class Newsletter Term 1 2023-24



Primary 3 January Home Learning Wall 2022

P3-Home-Learning-JAN 2022

Primary 3 September Home Learning Wall 2021

P3 Home Learning amended aug 2021


Hello Primary 3!

We hope you are all staying safe and have had a lovely Easter Holiday and are enjoying the sunshine and some time with your families.

Click on the link below to see this weeks learning and where you will find everything.

Not everything will be uploaded each day, so make sure to keep checking Google Classroom for the latest!

Keep checking out the Joe Wicks P.E lessons every day and look at some of the other links below for fun and exciting learning!

Missing you all.

Mrs Burgess and Miss Carlin

Online Learning Week Beginning 20.04


Click on the link below to load P3’s Home Learning Grid:





P3 Weekly Words and Sentences – WB 30/03/20

P3 Weekly Words and Sentences WB 23/03/20

Red Words (order to teach) – sight words (cannot be sounded) for children to practice

Letter Formation – rhymes for how to correctly form letters.

RWI are doing a daily phonics lesson that Primary 3 will understand and be very familiar with. They are only available for 24 hours so try to access it each day if you can and Mrs B is going to link the follow up activities on Education City. Parents – on the YouTube channel there is also a short video for help on how to say the sounds if you need it. 🙂

Red and Purple groups – Check out Set 1 for revision and Set 2 for current level

Pink and Orange groups – Check out Set 2 for revision and Set 3 for current level

Yellow group – Check out Set 2 and 3 for revision – particularly towards the end of set 3 for current level.



Check out Joe Wicks every morning (YouTube) for a PE lesson or try out some of the workout activities below. Why not keep a log of all the exercise you do during school time?

Joe Wicks 5 Minute Workout Moves

Cosmic Kids Yoga

Just Dance



 Primary 3 love to sing along to Fischy music in assembly (very loudly – even if we don’t know the words) Every Week they are hosting an assembly. Check out week 2 here!


Check out Glasgow Science Centre every day at 10am for a live viewing:

Glasgow Science Centre

Check out Edinburgh Zoo to see what the animals are getting up to!

Edinburgh Zoo Live Cam


Go out for a daily walk and take a picture of something interesting you see. Try drawing a picture of it and use this as a daily diary of where you go and what you see.