Click on the link below to download this weeks update from Mrs Laird & Mrs Hunter or scroll down to view the letter online. Weekly update (1) ________________________________________________________ 26th March 2020 Dear Parents and Carers WEEKLY UPDATE – 26th…
Home Learning- Lego Challenge
Denominational Review Briefing 18 March 2020
Please find attached details of the Denominational Review Briefing. Denominational Review Briefing 18 March 2020 (2)
School Closure Update 20/03/20
20th March 2020 Dear Parents and Carers SCHOOL CLOSURES – CORONAVIRUS Thank you for the many messages of support over the past few days as we have become increasingly aware that the schools are closing for an indefinite…
Covid -19 Advice for supporting your child
COVID19 advice for supporting children and young people (4) (1)
Guidance & Support (School Closures)
Please see links below for further guidance and support: Combined Emergency food etc March Ed Psych Guidance for parents and carers in the event of school closure due to Coronavirus