3rd April 2020 Dear Parents and Carers WEEKLY UPDATE – 3rd April 2020 We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support throughout the challenging times that we are currently experiencing. We are…
Packed Lunches (Easter Holidays)
Dear parents and carers, Over the last couple of weeks we have been delivering packed lunches to some members of our community. Hope they have helped. Just to let you know, this will continue over the Easter Holidays. Hope you…
Social Story to Support Nursery
Here is a social story for you to share with your nursery aged child to support them in their understanding of why they must stay at home. Click on the link below: Staying Home – Nursery
Chrome Book Loans (01/04/20)
Dear Parent/Carer Before school closures, we asked pupils if anyone might find accessing Home Learning difficult due to a lack of access to suitable devices or the internet. It has been encouraging to see so many of our pupils and…
Social Story
Please find attached example social stories which can be used to help explain the current situation to children. Staying Home (1) Staying Home (2)
Navigating around Education City
Have a look here if you need some advice on how to work your way around Education City. This explains how to access the assigned work from the class teacher. Education City Instructions