ST DAVID’S HIGH SCHOOL TRANSITION We are in the process of finalising our transition information and it will appear on St David’s HS website next week. Our associated Primary Schools will also publish information on their school websites.
Please find below a statement from the Scottish Government. As you may already be aware, following the publication of a route map document today which outlines the Scottish Government’s planned future response to the COVID19 Pandemic – the First…
Please find P7 -S1 transition information for the following secondary schools below. Newbattle Community High School P7 – S1 Transition Letter – Newbattle HS Lasswade Community High School P7 – S1 Transition Letter – Lasswade HS
St Andrew’s Primary School – Virtual Tour
We are delighted to launch our brand new Virtual Tour of St Andrew’s Primary School, for our new Primary 1 pupils. Please use the link to explore our school building and grounds: St Andrew’s Primary School – Virtual Tour Enjoy…
Help for Domestic Abuse
Domestic abuse is any form of physical, sexual, mental or emotional abuse and takes place within the context of a relationship, either current or past. If you, or anyone else you know, is experiencing any of the above, or being…
Useful links and Contacts for Mental Health Awareness Week
This week is Mental Health Awareness Week. Below are some useful link and resources for you to read. 5 ways to well being for adults 5 ways to well being for young people EPS Telephone Helpline info 2020 Listening Line…